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Logo La Contra Sardegna - mit weißem Hintergrund.png

La Contra

English translation: Meeting Point
German translation: Begegnungsraum


An experimental project that is aimed at creating new living spaces for humans and animals to
co-exist, co-live and co-create in harmony with each other and nature.


Eco- village

On about 116 ha of untouched nature, it is planned to create an Eco village with the aim to build and create living spaces with the least impact on mother nature. Each house or tiny house is build with eco-friendly and sustainable material, completely self sufficient.



Agricultural cultivation will open up an experimental field for exploring innovative solutions to grow fruits and vegetables in the most natural, most sustainable and efficient manner.

Image by Markus Spiske

Sustainability, comfort & beauty

The essence of the project is to connect natural beauty, sustainability and design in order to create comfortable housing spaces that allow an integration with nature.

Currently, it is planned to build about 6 single-family houses and around 10 tiny houses on the land (depending on planning permissions).

2022-02-17 18.01.38.jpg

Workshop and creation spaces

It is envisioned different studios / sheltered workshop locations fostering the human creation process in different areas like pottery, working with wood, arts & crafts etc.

Image by Earl Wilcox

Community area

There will be also a communal area consisting of a larger house, an open kitchen and an open area for community gatherings, seminars and events.

Image by Priscilla Du Preez

Multigenerational & inclusive

The eco-village life is targeted on creating a multigenerational environment, where children, elderly people and handicapped people are naturally integrated. Promoting authentic connection rather then separation. Building a nourishing and thriving environment for everyone in order to allowing everyone to have an easy, beautiful, fulfilling, flexible life is a top priority.

Image by Rod Long


It should be a village ingrained by nature, facilitating deep connection and healing. A place to live and celebrate life together.
Holding rituals, doing yoga or regulating our nervous system together to keep the balance within. 

Self- responsibly, emotional health and autonomy are key elements.

Image by Kimson Doan


A place that offers deep connection, healing, learning and growing.

Image by Arthur Poulin

Learning from life

We plan learning opportunities, offers and workshops for young and old. A co-learning hub with courses and learning opportunities, not only for the children, but also adults to join.

Giving space to explore by actively doing and trying new things.

Image by rahmat taufiq

A place to BE, connect & create

An environment fostering creativity.

Image by Ivana Cajina

Be yourself

A place where you can simply BE the most authentic version of yourself & experience life with an open heart.

Image by Nathan Anderson

Support Our Vision

Currently, we are primarily looking for investors that would like
to co-create this village project with us.
If you are interested in participating as an investor please send us an email.

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